Functional safety, verification & validation


When developing or significantly modifying control systems such as electric, hydraulic and pneumatic control systems, proof must be provided that they comply with the statutory directives.

For this purpose, a detailed inspection as well as a concluding audit-proof documentation is created using the BG (=Berufsgenossenschaft) software SISTEMA. Extensive specialist knowledge is required to achieve error-free results.

Outsource the verification & validation of safety-related control functions to save costs and time. Our engineering office in Coesfeld offers a comprehensive package for verification & validation. On request, we can accompany your employees through an individual process of learning by doing, at the end of which all tasks can be completed in your company.

Your advantages:

  • Full service from the identification of the safety functions to the final validation plan
  • Optional: Control of the safety functions based on the validation plan
  • Team of specialists with many years of experience and always up-to-date knowledge
  • Calculable time and cost expenditure

We would be pleased to inform you about all details of our comprehensive service for verification & validation.
We are looking forward to the first contact with you.

Your contact for Functional safety, verification & validation

Josef Winkelmann

Functional Safety, Training and Risk assessment

Improve the level of knowledge of your in-house specialists.

We offer individually tailored training on this topic.

More about trainings

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Training & workshops